

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sydney's Occupied Territories, where every day is a “Tribal Warfare,All Cultures Religions are Equal Harmony Day" and to think it used to be just plain old Sydney Australia, thanks Labor Party.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, where every day is a "Harmony Day"

Opposing members of Australian Labor Government sponsored “Ethnic Tribe” members, exercise their cultural diversity rights, and weave more Golden Threads into the Australian Labor Party's "Rich Tapestry" of "Difference" and "Diversity".

Can someone tell me how the Union financed Australian Labor Party's imposed policy of Multiculturalism has benefited Australians? I am yet to appreciate the third world feuding Tribalism aka. Diversity, that has broken out throughout, what are now Sydney's Occupied Territories, suburbs, infamous for the incidences of murder,urban terrorism,gang rape,car jacking,car rebirthing,robbery,drug importation and distribution,"Dodge City" style lawlessness, Australian no go / Multicultural zones.

What is it that the Australian Labor Party sees as been so good for Australia and Australians, that they insist Australians must suffer the consequences of their obsession with their Crystal Gazing,New Age concepts, of "Multiculturalism" "Diversity" "Cultural Difference" "All Religions Cultures are equal" except for the Majority Judeo Christian Australian Culture, the culture who's manifestations were seen to be so superior by the multitude of Middle Eastern / Islander / Asian "refugees", Immigrants, legal and illegal who demand be let into Australia, that they RAN AWAY from the very  culture that once they are resident on Australian soil and sucking off the Social Security Teat,they DEMAND be imposed over and above the Australian it nothing more than a case of, do anything you want but just remember who let you into the country on election day and by the way don’t forget to call your local Labor member of State or Federal Parliament should you not get your social security cheque on time, or need a new Club House or "Ethnic Community Grant" for whatever "Ethnic Community" you belong to.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, a collection of suburbs once inhabited by working families who identified themselves as Australians, first second and third, now a collection of suburbs ruled by Labor's Tribalism of Multiculturalism,survival of the fittest,swaggering “Muslim Rat with a Gold Tooth” thug rule,Labor Party, Union Financed  UN Socialist Rule, a hate based, planned division of Australian society, by the imposition of immigrants,legal and illegal who simply HATE everything that Australia IS and everything Australians ARE... everything except the Lifetime Social Security provided from the TAXES by those they HATE MOST.

"Multiculturalism" A collection of warring third world tribes,who’s Countries of origin’s cultures FAILED them, united by their, and the Union Financed  Australian Labor Party's facilitators commitment to destroy the Australian, Judeo Christian AUSTRALIAN way of life, the very reason Australia is the the Nation they chose to RUN AWAY to, a nation that was NOT LIKE the nation they RAN AWAY FROM.

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