

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Madame Julia Gillard salutes Canada’s hard left New Democrat Party

Julia Gillard's party for socialists
Andrew Bolt
The Daily Telegraph
June 23, 2011 12:00AM

THE extraordinary endorsement by Julia Gillard of a hard left socialist party in Canada is another bombshell to the government's credibility.
 Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China

Just like former ALP Leader Lu Kewen aka.Kevin 07 aka. Kevin “I have never been a Socialist” Rudd they just agree with the International Socialists manifesto and are members of Australia’s largest Socialist Political Party,but hey why would anyone accuse you of been a Socialist just for that?

What was she thinking?
Dressed in red, and against the backdrop of Parliament House, the Prime Minister wishes the New Democratic Party a
happy 50th birthday "on behalf of your friends in the Australian Labor Party and indeed all Australians".
The 90-second video was played to much applause at the NDP convention last weekend.
"I look forward to building even closer ties between our two countries and our two parties. Together we seek a more just
and prosperous world," says Gillard. "For all the great days that lie behind us, even greater days lie ahead."
That should send a chill down every Australian spine.
The NDP, which became Canada's official opposition party this year for the first time in its 50-year history, is not a mere
tame social democratic party. It is avowedly socialist, so much so that its members could not agree to take the word
"socialist" out of its constitution last weekend.
Its Marxist-flavoured constitution includes the goal: "That the production and distribution of goods and services shall be
directed to meeting the social and individual needs of people within a sustainable environment and economy and not to
the making of profit."
The NDP aims to "modify and control the operations of the monopolistic productive and distributive organisations through
economic and social planning". And the party is committed to socialising all industries, including the media and primary
resources, and in 1998 advocated a policy likening Canadian soldiers to terrorists.
It is hardly the sort of political company the Australian Labor party should be keeping.
This damaging video comes at a time when Gillard's stocks couldn't be any lower. Either the PM hasn't done her due
diligence on the party she endorsed so warmly, or she hasn't really shed her own socialist past.

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