

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Australia: Hags in Bags to be FORCED to reveal Faces by NSW Conservative Governments Law

Police get legal lift on burqa removal

The Daily Telegraph

July 02, 2011 12:00AM


2 7 2011 Hags in Bags

WOMEN wearing the burqa or other full-face veils will be forced to show their face when stopped by police under proposed changes to the law, Attorney-General Greg Smith said yesterday.

Mr Smith said there was a duty on all citizens to identify themselves when asked by police and the law should reflect that.

"The law is not that specific at the moment and that is what we are leading towards," Mr Smith said.

He said he could understand the "public outcry" over "cases like that" of Muslim woman Carnita Matthews, 47, who had her jail sentence and conviction for knowingly making a false complaint

about racism by police overturned on appeal in the District Court last week. Ms Matthews, who wears a full-face niqab, had denied she was the person who signed the complaint or delivered it to

police after she was booked for not properly displaying a P-plate.

However, Mr Smith revealed he did not think there were grounds for the prosecution to appeal the court ruling that has led to the legal shake-up. He said there could only be an appeal on

matters of law, not fact.

"Personally, having looked at the case, I have my doubts," Mr Smith said.


Carnita Matthews signatures released to media by Judge

Carnita Matthews Driving Record
Carnita Matthews husband,Ibrahim Galiel claims “….my wife has suffered”
Australia’s Multicultural Media reports Carnita Matthews to seek costs and compensation from NSW Tax payers.
Judge Defends Decision & Carnita Matthews son Defends Lieing Mother on Sydney Radio
Lieing Muslim Carnita Matthews and former Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh Habib engage in Muslim Festival of LIES and Deceit
Lieing Muslim Hag in a Bag’s supporters aka.Muslim Savages, charge Media and pedestrians whilst invoking the Head Hunters Chant of "allah ackbar" following the appeal of Carnita Matthews been upheld in Sydney Court.
Lieing Muslim, HAG in a BAG, Carnita Matthews Sentenced to six months in Jail, for Lies and Deception,by Sydney, Campbelltown Magistrate.

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