

Monday, July 04, 2011

Darn!!!!! it was only a matter of minutes ago I was thinking to myself,what’s missing in Sydney ? and then it hit me, of course, there are not enough Muslim Somalis here, we should demand to take all we can get, and then this report surfaces…..

Somalis in western Sydney are targets of extremist recruiters according to government intelligence

Simon Benson

Daily Telegraph

July 04, 2011

SOMALI youths living in western Sydney have been identified as a potential source of future home grown violent extremism according to intelligence given to the federal government.

The government will directly fund specific counter-terrorism programs aimed at Sydney's Somali community to prevent marginalised youth being lured into radical groups.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland will today announce $1.7 million in grants to 22 local community organisations as part of a Rebuilding Resilience in the Community program.

Two of those programs will be aimed directly at Sydney's west and south western Somali refugee community.

While there is no evidence that any have links to those involved in an alleged Melbourne terror cell smashed by police in 2009, local leaders say there is a risk that young people in Sydney could be drawn into radical groups.

"Intelligence and feedback from the community form a key part of the evidence base that drives Australia's Countering Violent Extremism program," Mr McClelland said.

"We want to give people the knowledge and skills to challenge violent extremism, whenever and wherever these ideologies are advocated, whether online, in schools, in the media or among peers.

"A comprehensive counter-terrorism response needs to include broader strategies to lessen the appeal of extremist ideologies that fuel terrorism in the first place."

Earlier this year, about $1 million was handed out for youth mentoring programs but the new round of grants will go directly to combat extremism. It is the first time money will go directly to Somali groups in Sydney and in Melbourne.

Mohammed Omar, who runs the Sydney Stars Somali Football Club and will help administer a program, said he believed there were no extremists living among Sydney's Somali community. But he admitted the risk was present for young marginalised people to be drawn into radical groups.


Everybody knows that “the majority of (insert name of Muslim tribe here ) are law abiding citizens just wanting to be left alone to engage in Holy Terrorist Jihad activities”

“Earlier this year, about $1 million was handed out for youth mentoring programs but the new round of grants will go directly to combat extremism. It is the first time money will go directly to Somali groups in Sydney and in Melbourne.” I think this is code for: this year we want 2 million in exchange for not blowing up your cities and train stations, $10 million will  get you only HALF your Aussie Pigs and Sluts Gang Raped by our Pious Muslim  yoots

WTF  IS “Sydney Stars Somali Football Club “ ?

Thanks Labor , Thanks Greens, Thanks Australian Council of Trade Unions and their new best friends Get Up, I can feel the Diversity and Cultural Enrichment, every day is a Harmony Day in Sydney.

“Rebuilding Resilience in the Community program”

“Australia's Countering Violent Extremism program"

“The government will directly fund specific counter-terrorism programs aimed at Sydney's Somali community to prevent marginalised youth being lured into radical groups”

Just where would Australia be today without the Australian Labor Party’s / Green / ACTU, Get Up Funded, imposition upon Australians of Multiculturalism and Ethnic Diversity?


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