

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Hymenoplasty : The Perfect Vagina

This is an edited extract from an English documentary regarding the trend for women to “enhance” the appearance of their Labia Majora and Labia Minora by having plastic surgery performed upon those “bits” of their “Private Parts” as we say. This part of the Documentary deals with the added burden Muslim Women face when required to present to their “husband”,Brother,Cousin,Uncle,Step Father / Brother or Mullah as an intact Virgin and the use of plastic surgery by Muslim Women in the UK to save their and their families HONOUR aka. their LIVES.

I ran this story a year or more ago, It has now surfaced as an issue in Canada see this story via  Atlas Shrugs

“I came across this story – Virgin surgery’ practised in Canada and wondered… is this what’s taught in TDSB sanctioned madrassa’s? “
Islamic Gender Apartheid in Toronto's Public Schools


1 comment:

  1. I think you should do whatever you think is best for YOU.
    Good Luck.
