

Monday, July 18, 2011

Muslim Flogging, I was right, Just another “Harmony Day” in Sydney’s Occupied Territories.

Sydney man lashed 40 times under Sharia law
July 18, 2011, 6:17 pm
Man lashed 40 times during home attack
A violent example of extreme Islamic law punishment has been carried out in Sydney, according to a 7News report.
A Sydney man who converted to Islam recently was allegedly whipped up to forty times for going out for alcoholic drinks with friends.
Reports say the man awoke in the middle of the night to find that four bearded men had broken into his bedroom at Melton St North in Silverwater.
As three men held the 31-year-old electrician down on the bed, the fourth man is alleged to have administered 30 minutes worth of lashing with a cable.

The victim told 7News that the attack was fundamental Wahhabist punishment for drinking alcohol, and that the welts he sustained were severe.
The assault has been condemned by members of Sydney's Muslim community.
According to the report, the man made a complaint to Burwood police after the attack on Sunday but is now afraid and has since become hesitant to cooperate with authorities.
He told 7News that he believed Islam is a beautiful religion and he hoped what happened did not distort people's view of the religion.

I posted this story yesterday 17 7 2011 with the headline "Is this Australia's first reported Sharia Law Flogging?  The answer is Yes according to the victim.
This is one of a handful of such barbaric assaults upon,and indeed deaths of victims of the Islamic ideology aka. as The Religion of Peace.
I know for a fact that there is a support network operating in Sydney run by a Christian organization that has been sheltering Muslims who have renounced Islam for many, many years.

Despite the blatherings of the Muslim apologist seen in the above video,the ONLY Crime committed here was that the victim went public, I don’t think I would want to be in his shoes, however if you lay down with these Dogs you are bound to get up with Fleas at the least or a good Flogging.

These Godless Bastards are FUCKING NUTS!!!! How many more of these Godless Savages is the Australian Labor Party, and their Green Loon, new best friends, going to IMPORT into Australia?
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