

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sydney MSM Reports on Hizb ut Tahrir Muslim ASSASSINS Conference and New NSW Burka Laws

An Eye Witness Reports on Todays Infamy
This weekend their would be ASSASSINS meet in Sydney to plot their and their fellow Warriors demise,Australia's Finest Refuse to Lie Down. ANZAC !!!!!!!!!!

This afternoon, Sunday July 3,

I was honoured to take part in a
peaceful protest, along with some other like-minded people, against
the terrorist organization Hizb ut Tahrir that was holding a
conference in the Westella Reception Centre, Lidcombe. Hizb Ut Tahrir
's stated goal is to violently  establish islamic rule in  all
countries of the world. According to the  respected news organization
Asia Times Online Hizb Ut Tahrir recently incited  senior military
officers in Pakistan  to plot a coup against the government. Asia
Times Online calls Hizb Ut Tahrir an  al-Qaeda-linked organization.
With police permission  we marched past the front of the conference
centre, though on the other side of the road, as requested by police,
waving Australian flags and one  Israeli flag (to gauge the tolerance
of Hizb Ut Tahrir) and shouting "No Sharia Law", "Ban  Hizb Ut
Tahrir"  and such like slogans. We all believed that terror groups
like  Hizb ut Tahrir, which is banned in Germany, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia, Russia,  Syria, Lebanon, Egypt,  Tunisia, Libya, Turkey,
Bangladesh and Pakistan should  be added to the list of 19 already
proscribed terror groups  like Al-Qa'ida, Al-Shabaab and Hizballah
already on our Federal  Government's National Security Website.
After we had walked past the front of the hall for the second time,
the police advised us not to do so again or they would have a riot on
their hands, as by this time 30 to 40 supporters of Hizb ut Tahrir had
found time to tear themselves away from their drug-dealing  and
car-rebirthing long enough to congregate outside the hall  and begin
to threaten the  peaceful protesters. No doubt the police had in mind
the notorious revenge attacks after the Cronulla barbecue of December
2005 when a convoy of 200 urban terrorists, after congregating
outside the Lakemba Mosque and in Punchbowl Park, where they had
scrawled  on the road slogans like "AUSSI TO DIE" and " INTIFADA" and
send round text messages like "We will take Sydney from Cronulla to
the Rocks/With our AKs and our Glocks" rampaged  through The Shire
bashing and stabbing  people and destroying property.
It seems strange while Australian soldiers are sent to die in
Afghanistan in the so-called "war on terror" violent terror  groups
like Hizb ut Tahrir are allowed to  recruit members and propagate
their violent message here with impunity.


The Godless Islamic SWINE that walk and live amongst us


So what are those Ignoble Swine,who are sworn to destroy us, doing this weekend ? Hizb ut-Tahrir Conference this weekend at Sydney Mosque
Sydney MSM Reports on Hizb ut Tahrir Muslim ASSASSINS Conference and New NSW Burka Laws
Damien Thomlinson, Australian.:"Twist your ankle playing footy?" Thomlinson smiled and said: "No, drove over a bomb." Australia’s FINEST. ANZAC !!!!!
So what are those Ignoble Swine,who are sworn to destroy us, doing this weekend ? Hizb ut-Tahrir Conference this weekend at Sydney Mosque.
Australia: Hags in Bags to be FORCED to reveal Faces by NSW Conservative Governments Law
Ramazan Acar “Bout to Kill Ma Kid” Muslim Face Book Killer
Updated Video on Jihad author and former QANTAS cabin cleaner Belal Saadallah Khazaal, could be released in days pending appeal.

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