

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Australia: Convoy of NO Confidence Rolls on towards Canberra,Labor/Green Loons, there is nowhere to hide.

Australians have had enough of four years of Fabian Socialism, under the Prime Ministerial leadership of Lu Kewen aka. “Kevin 07”, Kevin Rudd and for the past twelve months under the boot heel of the Madame Gillard led, Union / GetUp financed Labor /Green / Independent,Minority Socialist Government.
Australians have simply had enough of the lies, the bold faced attempts at enslaving them via the ruse / SCAM of Anthropogenic Global Warming. 


19 8 2011 Convoy of No confidence map
  *Special thanks to Joanne Nova for this map.
19 8 2011 Convoy of No confidence truck
19 8 2011 Convoy of No confidence truck 2
These  Australians shown in pictures and the video above are those that the UN’s Australian Council of Trade Unions / GetUp /Green Loon funded Australian Labor Party and their main stream media cheer squad and apologists, consider to be “extremist Right Wing Red Necks” and as such are not worthy of a voice, before the Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Socialist Revolution ALL Australians were permitted to be heard irrespective of the opinion,their occupation or their publicly professed Love of Australia.
Madame Gillard,Australian’s know who is PAYING YOU and your Union / GetUp funded Labor / Green Loon / “Independent” Minority Socialist Government, it’s time to come CLEAN and tell us who it is,
you are WORKING FOR.

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