

Saturday, August 13, 2011

British citizen Gladys Jefferson refused permanent Visa to remain in Australia

Australian Government makes it clear who they prefer as citizens “British man faces deportation over fare evasion conviction”



Lawyer helps 96yo facing immigration battle


Updated August 12, 2011

An immigration lawyer in Sydney has offered to provide pro bono services to a 96-year-old woman who is fighting to stay in the country.

British citizen Gladys Jefferson has been living with her only surviving family in Northern Tasmania on a tourist visa and was refused a permanent migrant visa last week.

Immigration lawyer Ray Turner says Mrs Jefferson should have been granted the visa, because the $52,000 in fees and surety it requires would ensure she would not be a burden on Australian taxpayers.

Mr Turner says he is appalled her application was rejected.

"I didn't think we were a country that would put up artificial hurdles in the way of a 96-year-old woman who simply wanted to spend her remaining time with her family."

The Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, says there are no plans to deport Mrs Jefferson at present.

But her family will have to appeal the Immigration Department's decision to refuse Mrs Jefferson a visa if she is to remain in the country legally.


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