

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Aussie’s Farewell ? (yes I know,who cares ?)

Circumstances beyond my control dictate that I am constricted to posting only at  for future posts.

My Video Posting is down due to third party tech difficulties and You Tube  sanctions.

I will continue to post as best as I can, info, relevant to Islam’s war against humanity here in Australia and throughout the world and wherever its Godless shadow is cast.

I will post comments to Winds of Jihad, Atlas Shrugs,World Net Daily, to name but a few, these bloggers, internet warriors are good people with good hearts dedicated to the survival of mankind and civilization as we in the Judeo Christian World know it.

To the hundreds of thousands of viewers of ANV,thanks for your support and God bless you all in our shared fight for the continuation of a God created Civilized Society free of Satan’s Dead Hand of Islam and the UN.

I can be contacted or insulted at


I will be back !!!!!!

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