

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Things people say…. Belgians told to convert to Islam or leave


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Aussie, you're a bloody bogan dickhead!
    Why don't you go live somewhere else... Jordan for example.

    We have enough hatred spreading losers in our country let alone a pro Liberal f'wit with a low IQ like yourself!

  2. Why don't you want to people to know about the story I posted?

    If the post is FALSE show me how it is incorrect rather than tell me to leave MY country and indeed the Nation of my great great great great ancestors country, and go live in some Middle Eastern shit hole aka. "Islamic Utopia" that thousands upon thousands of Muslims RUN away from at every opportunity available to them so they can BLUDGE the fat lazy arses off in some Judeo Christian Western Democracy and then tell the Judeo Christian Western Democracy host nation they should adopt the Failed Political social and religious structures they RAN AWAY from and to not do so would be racist bigoted or "BOGAN"

    So the crime if you like is not the Godless savagery of Islam as boasted about by its followers in the post you have commented here on but rather about anyone who reports / alerts or complains about the Godless savagery and hate filled bile that spews from the ideology of islam and its followers.

    Hitler's Godless savagery was exposed talked about and acted upon and ultimately he and his fellow Godless Savages,the Nazi's and their allies,including the Muslims were eliminated, so too will the Godless Savages of Islam be eliminated by exposing them at every opportunity available to free men and women the world over.

    So please tell me why you don't want free men and women the world over to expose such Godless savages as those who BOAST of their savagery and their love of this "allah" and the vile putrid exploits of their "Prophet" the Rapist Slave Trader and Paedophile Pirate, Mohammed and his unholy koran in any land Islams dark shadow falls?
    Why must we not know or speak of this evil?
    You don't like looking into mirrors perhaps?
    Enlighten this infidel please.
