

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Victorian Governments Star Chamber strikes again.

If VCAT wants to meddle, VCAT should run the comp

Andrew BoltJUNE202012(6:41am)

The insistence on equality of opportunity for one produces an inequality of opportunity for many:
MEMBERS of a junior netball club have slammed a VCAT decision to allow a 185-centimetre tall, 13-year-old boy interim permission to play in an all-girls’ competition. 

''Please stick up for me and all girls who play in girls' competitions. I don't think it's fair for any boy to take away my right and any girl's right to play in an all-girls' competition.''
 Despite Netball Victoria discouraging teams from speaking out, the coach, parents and players from one of the boy’s rival teams, St Therese’s of Essendon, say it would be a disaster if VCAT made the ruling permanent that boys can play in the 15 and under matches. 
They fear it would smash girls’ confidence on court, and spell an end to girls having the choice to play in a team of their own gender.... To ignore that there is a difference between boys and girls requires an astonishing level of denial - one that’s so 1980s.But there is another principle at stake here: why is the decision being taken out of the hands of those who actually run the sport? Once again, VCAT is being allowed to meddle in something it shouldn’t. Adults are running Netball Australia - adults who understand the sport, who are accountable to those who play it and who must live with the consequences of their decisions. There is zero need for anyone else to interfere, causing stress, loss of authority and loss of money.
VCAT's and their Muslim staff,supporters and apologists most INFAMOUS and appallingly vindictive Star Chamber prosecution against Christians in Australia. 
Complaint against Catch the Fire Ministries and Pastors Daniel Scot and Danny Nalliah by the Islamic Council of Victoria.
Full History of what is possibly Australia's first Star Chamber prosecution of two Australians for thought crime, instigated by Muslims and their apologists available at Salt Shakers

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