

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Alan Jones Michael Smith on Julia Gillard and the ex AWU Official Boyfriend

Julia Gillard and the Australian Workers Union
Alan Jones is joined by Michael Smith to discuss the Prime Minister and the AWU.

Andrew Bolt previously spoke with Mike Smith on The Bolt Report 
May 20 2012

Thomson Resign

Background on the Thomson Affair and the Hospital Services Union

The war on free speech: Michael Smith again

Andrew Bolt 
Nov 30 2011Sure, Michael Smith has been cleared by ACMA, not least because he seems to know a bit more about the Koran than his critics:From the information provided and the ACMA’s independent research, there does not appear to be any conclusive or consistent evidence as to the exact age of Aisha when she married Muhammad and when the marriage was consummated.Notwithstanding that there is some dispute as to the age of Aisha when she was married, there can be no dispute that many authoritative sources state that she married Muhammad at a young age, whether that age was six, seven or nine.The ACMA is therefore of the view that Michael Smith’s statement that Aisha was married to Muhammad when she was nine and that the marriage was consummated when she was eleven is ‘reasonably supportable as being accurate’.But this attrition by lawfare, requiring expensive and time-consuming responses to the thought-police, with all the worry and reputational damage this involves, will guarantee that many other journalists simply refuse to take the risk of saying anything at all on controversial but important social issues.I’d also like to know why the complainant can stay anonymous while trying to silence or discredit the journalist who dares to express an opinion. This is star chamber stuff.(Thanks to reader bexleyborn. Warning: link to a Word doc.)

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