

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cruel and Unusual Punishment inflicted upon Australian Olympian by the Australian Olympic Committee

Russell Mark takes aim at Australian officials after ban to stop him rooming with wife at London Olympics

Ben English
The Daily Telegraph
July 13, 201212:00AM

OLYMPIC gold medallist Russell Mark last night fired off an extraordinary broadside at Australian officials after he was banned from rooming with his fellow Olympian wife at the London Games.

Mark, a one-time gold medallist heading to his sixth Games, revealed he was told by officials earlier this month he would have to room instead with another former roommate and gold medallist, Michael Diamond.

Michael Diamond
Mark's wife Lauryn said the whole episode had thrown her Games preparations into disarray.

He said the Australian Olympic Committee had told him because accommodation was in a multi-room apartment format, it would be inappropriate for them to share with other athletes.

"The reason they gave was the bathroom sharing ratio would be breached. What a load of absolute rubbish."
As late as July 2, Mark received an email from Australian team chef de mission Nick Green telling him he would not be able to room with his spouse.

But the AOC last night said the pair would be able to room together after all.
"We will hand the keys to the shooting section when they get to the village," spokesman Mike Tancred said.

"If Shooting want to arrange accomodation where Russell and Lauryn can sleep together that's OK with us."

Mr Tancred said AOC sport director Erica de Jong had issued the directive to shooting section manager Nick Sullivan "about a week ago".

However, Mark said Sullivan had told him two days ago he was still rooming with Diamond.

"I think the AOC hasn't caught up with this," he said."It's disappointing because I have worked for the Olympic movement, either on the AOC athletes commision and the Victorian Olympic Council, for 16 years.

"I ask for one favour and it seems it's all forgotten.

"I suspect the real reason is I have upset someone over my Stillnox comments."

Mark caused a stir when he became the first current team member to criticise the AOC for its decision to ban Aussie athletes using Stillnox and two other sleeping pills at the London Games.

Lauryn Mark, who is competing at her second Olympics for Australia, said she was stunned by the decision.

"I was shocked and more than a bit disappointed," she said.

"It's taken me a few days to come to terms with it."

Lauryn, 32, said the decision had disrupted her preparation for London.

"I am really trying hard not to let it affect me.

"We have roomed together for such a long time. It's part of my routine.

"I have to be in a calm frame of mind to perform well."

Lauren has already courted controversy in recent weeks, agreeing to pose scantily clad for racy men's magazine Zoo, posing with a rifle.

The photos have yet to be published.

Lauryen swears by Pole Dancing as a means of keeping fit and healthy
Mark says pole dancing improved her core strength and arm muscles, vital when using her rifle for competition.
Diamond told News Limited Newspapers he would not be concerned if he did have to room with Mark.

"It would be excellent because we have had a happy history of roominig together. He gives me a great positive vibe and I've usually performed well."

The pair roomed together in Barcelona and Sydney, when Diamond won gold in the trap.

Russell Mark has however, maintained his sense of humour about the row.

"I did say to Michael, "you'll have to wear the pink nighty now. But it won't be the same."

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