

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Law catches up with the Big Boobed Bandit

"Facing life in prison
An armed woman who distracted victims by exposing her breasts
while robbing a gas station has handed herself in."

Oh please gimme a break "life in prison" for this ?
Could the author of this idiot headline from Yahoo tell me the name of ANYone convicted of a similar offense that has been sentenced to "Life in Prison" in Australia?

This is "Progressive"Australia, we dont send anyone to prison until they have had at least a dozen bashings / knifings GBH or the umteenth DUI or a kill or two.

The offender / accused  is Female, thats a Plus, she is also a recent immigrant that's a double Plus, however she appears to be a "non tinted person" that would almost cancel out the pluses stop press the above pic has just arrived and I would have to say there appears to be some "tinted person" in her genes,if true she has nothing to worry about University Law departments would be full of Lawyers scripting her hard luck story and excuse for her behaviour as you read this.

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