

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

From Sydney's Occupied Territories:10,000 Muslim Insurgents mass to worship Paedophile Pirate Slave Trader and Prophet "Tonight is the Laylat al-Qadr,''

Muslims gather at Lakemba Mosque for a major religious celebration known as 'the night of power' called Laylat al-Qadr

Leigh van den Broeke 
The Daily Telegraph
August 15, 2012 5:52AM

THOUSANDS of Muslims gathered in Lakemba Mosque overnight for a major religious celebration known as "the night of power''.

More than 10,000 Muslim worshippers amassed at Lakemba Mosque on Wangee Rd for a night they consider to be more holy than any other, Laylat al-Qadr - The night of power.

"Tonight is the Laylat al-Qadr,'' Adnan Alameddine, 19, from Greenacre said. "It's a night where all Muslims celebrate the day that Allah sent down the Quran to Prophet Mohammed.''

The huge numbers were anticipated by police who closed the street allowing cars to park wherever they could so worshippers could get inside the Mosque and converse on the roadway afterwards.

During this celebration one night of prayer is said to equate for 1,000 months of proper worship.

"We're just all here gathered today to celebrate it by praying, reading Quran and listening to all the Sheiks,'' Mr Alameddine said. "It's a good night.''
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"It started as soon as we broke our fast around 5.30pm and it goes to around 5am when we have our last feed before we have to fast again,'' he said. "And then we pray and that's the end of Laylat al-Qadr.''

But last night was a mere precursor for Lakemba Mosque with about 40,000 Muslims expected to attend over the weekend for, Eid ul-Fitr, the end of Ramadan.

"Religion is about peace, getting along with each other, obeying all religions and it's a real family,'' Mr Alameddine said. "Everyone is altogether.''

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