

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sydney's Occupied Territories:Swaggering Muslim Rat with a Gold Tooth,Mahmoud Mariam, gets away with Murder sniggers and laughs at sentencing in Sydney Court.

Six years jail for Bob Knight's killer

Amy Dale, Court Reporter 
The Daily Telegraph 
August 30, 2012 4:59PM

THE man who fired the shot that killed truckie Bob Knight will spend close to six years in jail.

Mahmoud Mariam was ordered by Justice Megan Latham to a minimum of five years and nine months for the killing of the Canberra truck driver.

Swaggering Muslim "Rat with a Gold Tooth" Mahmoud Mariam, leaving Court today after sentencing for killing Australian Bob Knight

In NSW the maximum penalty for possession of an unlicensed hand gun is fourteen years.
The maximum penalty for not having a firearm secured is ten years, the maximum penalty for manslaughter is twenty five years
This swine received five years and nine months for killing Bob Knight. 

He and his fellow Swine went to the KFC car park to shoot someone, had they of just killed each other no harm done, nothing to see here, move along please, however they killed a hard working Australian just going about his lawful business of supporting himself and his family and for that he was killed shot dead by the lowest of the low.

Mr Knight, a veteran truckie, was hit by a stray bullet that travelled 200m from the carpark of Milperra KFC during a shootout between two gangs on June 25, 2009.

The court heard the two groups had gotten into a fight at a Bankstown shopping centre earlier that day.

Three men, who cannot be identified because they were underage at the time of the shooting, were today sentenced for affray.

Mariam was found guilty last May by a jury of manslaughter, but acquitted of murder.

Justice Latham described Mariam's crime as "a most mindless display of violence" and said the men had shown a disregard for "vulnerable" members of the public.

"This was a premeditated assembly of 11 people for the purpose of the settling of a score which seems to have arisen from a petty assault earlier that day," she said.

"It is an abhorrent and despicable display of male aggression."

Two of the men were sentenced to three-year good behaviour bonds after pleading guilty to affray.

The other man, who was found guilty by a jury of affray and maliciously destroy property by fire, will be eligible for release on parole within two weeks- as his sentence took into account the time he has spent in custody. 

Allowing for Mariam's time in jail, he will be eligible for parole in April 2016.

Bob Knight's daughter Katherine said outside court that she was pleased at Mariam's sentence, saying "we've been told that's good for manslaughter these days."


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    What else is there to say? Societies worldwide are coming down and Australia is no exception. How the judge can lack the sense of justice to the point of handing down this slap on the wrist is downright sad, if not pathetic. We're so oblivious to the corrosion that is occurring to this country at the hands of the Middle Eastern community that it is hard to fathom. Sure there are miscreants of all races as there always has been since our humble beginnings but how can we so easily ignore the obvious trend of Middle Eastern crime in this country? The statistics undoubtedly paint a very dire picture of Middle Easterns but I am really just stating the obvious that the vast majority of Aussies are aware of. Yet, it is this vast majority that also mostly sits by idly through inaction or silence unknowingly allowing this scum to perpetuate and fester to the point of no return now.

    Australia is most certainly a multicultural nation and of all the multitudes of races, the Middle Eastern community stands heads and shoulders above all as the thorn in our society. Why do we have to tolerate scum like this murderer? He murdered and showed NO REMORSE! He is laughing!!

    Australia... so sad...

  2. Dear Anon.
    You have just about said it all..... spot on.

    Thank you for taking the time to post a comment and please do so again.
