

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alan Jones claims PM Gillard's father died of shame.....I disagree

I strongly disagree with Jones. Madame Gillard's father would have been very proud of his daughters stewardship over Australia's destruction, he was a committed "Socialist" just like his daughter and often spoke of his admiration for her efforts to change Australia from the Nation he found upon his arrival in Adelaide as an assisted passage immigrant family from Barry in Wales in 1966, to the Socialist Utopian Multicultural crime ridden beggar Nation Australia is fast becoming today.
The Australian Labor Party and their Australian Council of Trade Unions and GetUp financiers are working towards a Serfdom state with social order dictated and enforced by  Muslim Savages via Sharia Law sold to the masses as Resdistributive Social Justice.

Alan Jones says Julia Gillard's dad 'died of shame'

The Sunday Telegraph 
September 30, 2012 12:00AM

VETERAN broadcaster and 2GB host Alan Jones has claimed Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father died of "shame" because of the political "lies" his daughter told.

He told a group of 100 Young Liberals that John Gillard's death was the fault of his proud child.

He went on to suggest Ms Gillard's tears of grief, for a man she publicly said she "will miss for the rest of my life", were what sparked a sudden leap in political polling for her.

Mr Gillard, a former psychiatric nurse, died in Adelaide on September 8, age 83.

The remarks occurred during Mr Jones' 50-minute speech at the annual $100-per-head Sydney University Liberal Club President's Dinner, on the top floor of Sydney's Waterfront restaurant in The Rocks last Saturday.

After referring to Ms Gillard's track record with telling the truth to voters over issues including the carbon tax, Mr Jones said her father's death was caused by the Prime Minister herself.

"The old man recently died a few weeks ago of shame," Mr Jones told a group of party members and MPs, including Alex Hawke, Ray Williams and Sussan Ley.

"To think that he had a daughter who told lies every time she stood for parliament.

"Every person in the caucus of the Labor Party knows that Julia Gillard is a liar."

Some members of the audience gasped with surprise.

The radio star went on to say Ms Gillard had enjoyed a recent spike in polls sparked by her tears. He also said she was being given an easy ride by the "brainwashed" Liberal Party who had backed down because she was a woman.

Labor Green Loons  (Madame Gillard's)  Australia

Organisers of the dinner were not aware a journalist from The Sunday Telegraph, who had purchased a ticket, was present.

While paying tribute to her father in parliament on September 19, Ms Gillard spoke of the rough and tumble of politics and how that affected the family.

She said her father "felt more deeply than me, in many ways, some of the personal attacks that we face in the business of politics, but I was always able to reassure him that he had raised a daughter with sufficient strength not to let that get her down".

Mr Jones made several mentions about why Liberal leader Tony Abbott should be Australia's next PM.

"His overweening weakness is his humility. You will never ever hear this bloke argue his ability, his virtue, or indeed his competence," he said.

"He is a man of incomparable integrity and conviction."

The broadcaster said it was vital every member of Mr Abbott's party united behind their leader in the lead-up to the election. Mr Jones said some members of the Labor caucus were scared of the Liberal leader and others thought he was sexist.

Yesterday Mr Jones did not respond to approaches from The Sunday Telegraph.

The event was staged by Sydney University Liberal Club president and aspiring MP Alex Dore. Mr Jones has endorsed his political endeavours.

Yesterday, Mr Dore said Mr Jones had not made the comments about Ms Gillard's father. Later, informed there was a recording of the speech, his position changed.

"It was a very long speech and I did not hear it. I have always found Alan to be respectful," Mr Dore said.

He said there was "no need" to "pick apart Alan's speech. All you are doing is reducing it to a very small thing which distracts from the issues facing Australia".

Mr Williams would not be drawn on Mr Jones' remarks.

"I will just let this one go through to the keeper, the room was a bit a noisy at the time, I can't remember him saying it," he said.

Fellow MPs Mr Hawke and Ms Ley could not be reached.

Mr Abbott had previously expressed his condolences for the Prime Minister.

"This is a tragic time for (Ms Gillard) and we all feel for her at this very sad time," he told parliament. "It is a remarkable parent who produces a prime minister of this country."

During the five-hour event, three spoof songs were sung by Young Liberals member Simon Berger, Woolworths' government realtions manager.

Tirade of abuse on airwaves

The Sunday Telegraph
September 30, 2012 12:00AM

ALAN Jones cannot stand Julia Gillard.

The former Wallabies coach has previously suggested the prime minister should be thrown out to sea in a chaff bag, ridiculed her on live radio for arriving late to an interview and even called her a liar.

During a now infamous February 2011 interview on 2GB, Jones made it clear to the Labor leader that being 10 minutes late was not on.

"Ten past seven is 10 past seven isn't it?" he said.

" I can understand you may not want to come on

or you can't come on but surely courtesy has to be part of the way in which the public are treated."

She apologised and said a previous media commitment was the reason for being late.

During the 30-minute exchange, in which the carbon tax was the hot topic, Mr Jones said Australia was being headed by a liar.

"Do you understand, Julia, that you are the issue today, because there are people now saying your name is not Julia but Ju-liar and they are saying that we've got a liar running the country?" he said.

Days later Ms Gillard told the ABC's Q&A show that she could not say on national television what she thought of Mr Jones.

"Some words you probably can't use on the ABC, even at this time of night. I think it would be a bad result if tomorrow people were (watching) TV, and then the prime minister said 'beep, beep beep'."

Mr Jones once unsuccessfully sought Liberal pre-selection for the NSW seat of Earlwood.

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