

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sydney Muslim Insurgency Riots: Ahmed Elomar refused Bail again

Former boxer Ahmed Elomar

Refused Bail Bail by Magistrate Clare Farnan in Central Local Court 
Tuesday 18 9 12.

Police prosecutors argued Elomar was part of a group which police believed approached the US consulate "despite police attempts to disperse the crowd".

Ahmed Elomar, 29, appeared by video link at Central Local Court.

Police argued that Elomar had been involved in the riot which "gave rise to serious risk of public safety", the court heard.
Around ten Muslim supporters some dressed in night attire,refused to stand when Magistrate Clare Farnan entered the Court and shouted out
at the end of proceedings.
No reports of assaults upon court staff or by standers have been received by Police so far.

Insolent Supporters Mock Court 

Backers taunted the court

The Daily Telegraph
September 19, 2012 12:00AM

ONE of the angry protesters featured on The Daily Telegraph's front page yesterday has walked into court right under the noses of police - and walked out again.

Wearing a white skullcap and sunglasses the man, who uses the name Abu Sayd, was among a group of supporters who attended court to support Ahmed Elomar. They appeared determined to act as a law unto themselves.

Sitting in Central Local Court as Elomar appeared via videolink, the group of at least 10 men laughed and waved at him during the bail application.

Elomar played with his beard and smiled back at his friends.

When the case returned after lunch the men didn't stand as Magistrate Clare Farnan came on to the bench, as is court protocol. After she said their friend would stay behind bars, the group stood up and shouted in Arabic .

Among media crews outside court were a number of police officers, who filmed the group as they walked in and out of the building during the day.

A police spokesman said police were still going through photographs and footage of Saturday's riot to determine exactly who had committed what offences.

"Then police will proceed to arrest and lay charges," the spokesman said.

Strike force McAlister, formed to investigate and identify those involved in the violent protest, appealed for members of the public with footage to come forward.

Digital photographs or footage can be uploaded to Crime Stoppers through the NSW Police website via the link:

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