

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The 2012 American Presidential Election an Australian 60 Minutes Perspective

Americans have the opportunity to do NOW what Australians have to wait for another twelve months to do................that is vote for an American / Australian to the highest office in their respective lands.
A Federal leader who sees his job as been that of representing the best interests of the people who elected him as opposed to representing the interests of those sworn (self declared) to destroy those he represents.

60 Minutes Australia is a notoriously left wing slanted "news" service, so I think that this story is reasonably good, around 55 - 45 in favour of their favourite son,His Royal Heighness, Huessine Obama.
Could it be they are trying to report the news rather than re write the news because they are sensing that the UN's and their Boy is in trouble?

"We need an America with a strong leader, Obama is not that person." Four years of Community Organizing aka Communism, It's time to vote for an American, dont you think?

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