

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Whilst REAL MEN were planning the destruction of Islamic Savagery, Hussein Obama was doing what ? Oh that's right he's on the other side.

Civilized Man plan their SURVIVAL

MEN of Israel, discuss the elimination of the unending Islamic attacks upon Israel,whilst the "civilized world" and the Muslim puppet UN calls for "restraint".

Where has the 'Civilized world" been the past 20 years? Oh that's right it has been financing and aiding Israel's Islamic ASSASSINS.
The time has come again for the "Civilized World' to FUCK OFF and watch whilst Israel restores CIVILIZATION to the "Middle East " in spite of the "Civilized World's" best efforts to ensure the Savage reigns supreme  over the "Civilized World"
We could very well be witnessing the beginning of the end as they say, a terrorist friendly at best and  facilitator and cheer leader in the White House,Husein Obama, has just been re elected by a "switched on Multicultural Friendly electorate" ... (I assume that's the only possible excuse for his re election)
Now the only Adults in the only Democracy in the Middle East have to fend for them selves.
Israel, has rightly decided, it's time to "boogie" time to "jive" time to go with THEIR feelings, time to send those who Hussein Obama has decreed the "Civilized World" must "Respect" back to the Satanic Shit House's they were vomited from.

Time To Put The BEAST back in it's Godless BOX

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