

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Australia: Holocaust study to be compulsory for NSW students

Holocaust study to be compulsory for NSW students

EXCLUSIVE by Simon Benson
The Daily Telegraph 
December 08, 2012 12:00AM

ALL NSW students will be given mandatory lessons on the horrors of the Holocaust under sweeping changes to the school history curriculum.

The Board of Studies has confirmed it will roll out a new syllabus that will include studies of the Jewish genocide during World War II.

The changes, which will mirror compulsory Holocaust classes in most US states, the UK and many European countries, will come into effect from 2014.

The Nazi mass slaughter of more than six million Jews, regarded as the darkest chapter of modern history, has only been available to students in Australia as an optional component in history classes.

The Board of Studies will make it mandatory for all history students up to Year 10.

"The Holocaust is now a mandatory inclusion in the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority's history overview," a spokeswoman for the Board of Studies confirmed.

It will also be included in deeper history studies on Australians at war as part of "the nature and scope of 20th-century war".

The Australian Jewish community has the largest percentage of Holocaust survivors in the world, with the exception of Israel.

Should the study of the Holocaust be compulsory in NSW? Tell us below

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, which has been lobbying for compulsory Holocaust teachings for the past three years, said NSW had set the benchmark for the rest of the country.

It is now calling on the Gillard government to join about 28 other Western nations and sign up to the Task Force for International Co-operation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research.

Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Aldaheff said: "Making the teaching of the Holocaust mandatory up to Year 10 is a tremendous step forward and the NSW Board of Studies and NSW Department of Education are to be applauded for their vision and foresight.

"Although the Holocaust was unique, its lessons about the essential fragility of human civilisation are universal.

"The Holocaust is a warning to every generation about the potential for evil, especially as a consequence of racial hatred, and about the inherent evil of totalitarian regimes.

"It teaches us that every generation owes it to itself and to future generations to cherish, and if necessary fight to defend, the sanctity of life, dignity and freedom."

The Board of Studies spokeswoman said the decision to make studying the Holocaust mandatory was taken after long consultations with the community and teachers.

"The development of the new K-10 syllabuses involved consultation with a range of teachers and community representatives. The board did not receive a submission from the Jewish Board of Deputies during the consultation phase," the spokeswoman said.

The threat to civilization from Hitler was negated in 1945, however one of his most loyal alys the followers of Islam has grown from strength to strength since then and is far from defeated.
Muslims have been busy working away at imposing their Koran inspired savagery upon the free Judeo /Christian Western world.

The same mindless mass hysteria worshipping the same thing, Satan spawned  Evil.

Islamo Facism is alive and well, and with the unbridled help from its cheer squad and apologists and facilitators in the various leftist / progressive /Green Socialist movements and political party's in the west,together they are  succeeding in changing the face and legal and social structure of the west via unfettered immigration /colonization,legal and illegal combined with hundreds of thousands of Multicultural/Anti Discrimination/affirmative action legislation and Tax payer funded Ethnic / Muslim industries eg."Harmony Day" "Diversity Day" these Muslim colonizers and their retrograde base ideology of Islam are been entrenched at all levels of Judeo Christian Western Democracies.

It is good that the evils of Hitler are been taught in our schools for to know of the evil of Hitler is to also know of the evils of his then and now supporters who are alive and well and seeking to carry on where Hitler was stopped.

                                                                                          Sydney CBD September 15 2012

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

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