

Friday, December 28, 2012

Hussein Obama's "Dickless" Dick Windsor aka. "Lisa Jackson" "outs" him / herself and resigns

Hussein Obama's, what we now who was in fact a Dickless Richard Windsor aka. "Lisa Jackson"
EPA Administrator Jackson announces resignation

Politics aside how could anyone not wish this Hussein Obama "Affirmative Action" "Leftist  Progressive" EPA appointee Dick / Richard Windsor  / "Lisa Jackson" every happiness in his / her future affirmative Gender Neutral sexual preference affirmative action Progressive  tax payer funded world.
Come on now lets give Dick/ Richard "Lisa" a big hand in appreciation of the many many free enterprises he / she sent to the wall in only four years of the Hussein Obama regime.
Come on now America Dick / Richard "Lisa" should be worth at least another dollar for dollar in extra taxation just to make sure he / she is comfortable in her retirement.

Richard Richard / Lisa Lisa You Go Boy / Girl (whatever) !!!!!  After all  He / She is WHY you voted Democrat NOW its up to YOU to do the right thing and ensure this affirmative action Jewel in the Crown of International Socialism wants for nothing in retirement after his / her service

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