

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

KKKKKCAT FIGHT!!!!!!! Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan,accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman

Accused pair in Shire case to cool heels

By Vanda Carson 
The Daily Telegraph 
December 04, 2012 12:00AM

THE two women accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman from The Shire will have to wait three months to have their case heard.

What's a Cat Fight?

Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan, who are accused of assaulting the beauticians outside a cafe in Rhodes Shopping Centre on August 15, were due to have the charges against them heard in Burwood Local Court yesterday.

The El Hassan sisters allegedly took part in a slapping, hair-pulling tussle that left Toroman with a black eye and scratches.

Kalantzis was allegedly threatened with a knife.

The sisters have been charged with assault and affray. Alia has also been charged with being armed with intent. The case was adjourned until February 25.

There will be five witnesses at the hearing, which is expected to run for four hours.

Video footage of the fight, filmed on a mobile phone and widely aired on TV, is expected to be shown during the hearing.

An interim apprehended violence order aimed at keeping the women apart has been extended until next year.

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