

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My God does not need ME......

My God
He does not need ME to administer his will against his transgressors.
My God is, well ............God,.. that's why he is called GOD.
I think of his Son Jesus Christ born of the Virgin Mary and of his life and death.
Jesus needed no Army, no Gang Rapist,no Slave Master, no Paedophile,no Thief,no Savage Pirate,no Sex Slave Harem to administer his will or signify his power,no Virgins as rewards for dieing whilst slaughtering mankind in his name,no defilement or mutilation of the daughters of Eve to prove MY masculinity or closeness to him, My God Loves and CHERISHES his WOMEN so much so he regards them as his GIFT to Man.

Why would God need,want me? Because he Loves me, he does not despise me, he does not want to slaughter me, hack off my head, stone me, deface me, gang rape my sister, mother and female / male friends or hack off my limbs in his name.
My God is so much more powerful than me,he does not require me to commit acts of barbarism and savagery in his name to prove my belief in him or his edicts or prove his "power" if he did he would not be God.

You see my God does not need ME,I need HIM. 
Thank you God,believe me I am doing the best I can.

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