

Monday, December 03, 2012

The Bolt Report Dec 2 2012 and Julia Rice Susan Gillard ? Same ideology, same M O

Julia Rice Susan Gillard same modi operandi

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has again been shown to have lied and sought to mislead the Australian people and various Australian government authorities before she was appointed Prime Minister by her minority "Co Party" partners, made up of Green and Independent members of the House of Representatives.

Her deceits are numerous,and started many years ago,the most notable so far to be revealed,is her part in establishing what she describes as a "slush fund" for the proceeds of monies, extorted from building and construction companies, in exchange for industrial peace under the guise of the extorted monies been donations to an Australian Workers Union workers safety / welfare fund, when these monies were in fact to be used for the benefit of her then boy friend Bruce Wilson an official of the Australian Workers Union.

Full details are available via the links at bottom of page.

Julia Gillard's excuse / defence for her appalling conduct has a lot in common with Susan Rice's defence of her complicity in the cover up of the slaughter of America's Benghazi Ambassador and the deaths of those brave men who undertook the task of defending him and the embassy.

Both Gillard and Rice and their respective media and political cheer squads and apologists  are claiming,
Sexism,Racism,Misogyny, "older white men " however the truth is obvious and beyond doubt,Gillard is a proven liar,who along with her fellow "Co Party" government members  is just plain and simply incompetent at every level of  governance.

10,000 miles away in Washington Susan Rice is, from what I read and see, nearly as dishonest and or incompetent as her "sista" in Australia.

Michael Smith News  for various supporting documents 

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