

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Australia's Finest,Private Nathanael Galagher.

"Then there was a knock at my door," Lance-Cpl Feeney said. "There were three men in army uniform standing there and I knew then.
" I knew instantly."

Digger's boy has father's fighting spirit

The Sunday Telegraph
January 27, 201312:00AM

HE has the same fighting spirit as the father he never met.

Three months before Jack Galagher was born, Private Nathanael Galagher died beside his mates on the battlefields of Afghanistan.

But even though the man she loved is gone, Jack's mother Lance Corporal Jessie Feeney rejoices every day that she has been blessed with a son who is so like him.

"He has his nature - he's really easy-going and happy in his own skin," Lance-Cpl Feeney said yesterday. "Nate was exactly the same."

Cradling her newborn boy, Lance-Cpl Feeney said one day she will tell him how special his Dad was.

"I want Jack to know his Dad like I did, like he's still here with us," Lance-Cpl Feeney said. "When Jack gets older, I'll be able to explain what happened. I want him to know his dad is a hero."

If one day Jack decides to follow his father's path and join the army it will come as no surprise to Lance-Cpl Feeney, who is a storewoman based at Holsworthy Barracks.

"If that's his choice, I will back him 100 per cent and I'll be proud of him," she said. "I'll be able to understand why, because he knows his Dad was a hero and he might want to follow in his footsteps."

Pte Galagher, 23, from Narrabri in the state's north, and Lance-Cpl Feeney, 22, met in 2007 while training in the Army. But it wasn't until they were both posted to Townsville that they fell in love - two years ago today. As they excitedly awaited the birth of their son, Pte Galagher departed for his second deployment in Afghanistan in July.

"He kissed my belly and he said 'I'll see you when I get back'," Lance-Cpl Feeney said.

He was killed beside his idol, Lance-Cpl Mervyn McDonald, on August 30 when their helicopter crashed in Helmand province as they were preparing for a late-night raid on a Taliban position.

When Lance-Cpl Feeney heard about the crash, it didn't cross her mind that her partner could be involved.

The pair had spoken via Skype just hours before.

"Then there was a knock at my door," Lance-Cpl Feeney said. "There were three men in army uniform standing there and I knew then.

" I knew instantly."

She was six-and-a-half months pregnant. Over the Australia Day weekend she reflected on and remembered her beloved "hero" who lived for the Army.

Never far from her thoughts are the troops still in Afghanistan. Her message to them is a simple one: "Keep your heads up. You're doing a great job and all of Australia respects and admires your hard work.

"Hopefully you'll be home soon to see your families.

"If anyone says to our troops they shouldn't be there, they don't agree with that. That's their job and that's what they love to do." As for her own future, she said: "It was only after I'd had Jack, it hit me that this was my life now Nate was gone and I was going to be a single mum."