

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Close Up with Vernesa Toroman and Sophie Kalantzis

Shire girls Vernesa Toroman and Sophie Kalantzis back for a close-up

The Sunday Telegraph 
January 06, 2013 12:00AM

THEY'RE the pumped up, botoxed, surgery-enhanced besties who stole the show when they appeared on Channel 10's The Shire.

A recent encounter with a couple of "Fans" led to charges been laid against their knife wielding attacker and her accomplice, Court action pending.

KKKKKCAT FIGHT!!!!!!! Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan,accused of assaulting Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman

Now Vernesa Toroman and Sophie Kalantzis are set for a new reality show - and this time it's all about them.
"We can't give away too much," Kalantzis, 27, said. "But it is what you could call a fish-out-of-water reality show."
Toroman, 28, added: "It's all about us. It's always about us."

The two women, now living at Rhodes in Sydney's inner west, endured a vicious Twitter campaign when The Shire aired.

"The one that always stays with me is, 'You two should have your uteruses pulled out and not allowed to reproduce," Toroman said. "That was really evil, how can people think of that? You don't even know me."

Kalantzis said: "We call them keyboard warriors. These people spend half of their lives on a social network hating on us. It just says a lot more about them than us."
Kalantzis said they have now built up a positive fan base because people warm to them when they meet them in person.

"I think when they meet us in real life they just love us," she said.

"They are quite shocked about what we are like. People who saw us on the TV were quick to judge, but when they actually meet us they say we are so sweet. You can't hate on us."

Both women have had breast enhancements, and Toroman joked her New Year's goal was to "make my boobs touch my chin".

Since leaving the show life has been an "amazing" whirlwind of promotions, including a nasal hair wax kit for men, as well as maintaining their fat "cavitation" business for slimming women's bottoms and thighs.

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