

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan GUILTY

The Shire stars Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman in witness stand over street brawl

The Daily Telegraph
February 25, 2013 5:44PM

IT started as a spat over Facebook comments, but for two larger-than-life reality TV performers a confrontation quickly degenerated into public hair-pulling, wrestling and knives allegedly being waved across a cafe table.

I have to say that I find it abhorrent to think that anyone would want to harm either of these two precious gifts to mankind and full marks to the Magistrate in dispatching, in my opinion justice  correctly.

Surgically-enhanced The Shire stars Sophie Kalantzis and Vernesa Toroman this afternoon took the witness box as two sisters who attacked them faced Burwood Court.

The pneumatic pair said Alia Bak El Hassan and Ghazwa El Hassan came from nowhere and started screaming insults - calling them "Shire sluts" and "whores" - as they were about to have breakfast at a Rhodes cafe in August.

Kalantzis said she put her hair up and prepared to defend herself after Alia El Hassan came at her yelling: "We put your numbers on Facebook, sucked in you sluts."

"I pay $1000 for my hair ... I'm not going to let girls stand there and bash me," Kalantzis said.

Toroman admitted grabbing a butter knife and a glass from the table - but only after Alia El Hassan started waving what appeared to be a blade.

A brawl then broke out between the four women in an incident which was caught on several bystanders' mobile phones.

Magistrate Brian Maloney said the El Hassan sisters had clearly been the aggressors and he found Ghazwa El Hassan guilty of assault and affray, handing her an 18-month, good-behaviour bond.

"People don't want to see four girls fighting in the street, it debases women - all women," he said.

Alia El Hassan pleaded guilty to affray and will be sentenced next month.

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