

Monday, February 18, 2013

Geert Wilders Down Under "Welcome Let him remember Theo Van Gogh while he is in Australia" Kulin Ban Melbourne. SBS website

SBS, Australia's Tax payer funded  "Harmony Day" "Multicultural" "all Cultures Religions beliefs behaviours are equal" "Diversity and Tolerance" TV and Radio network permits a varity of views to be expressed on their programs so long as you don't disagree with their preferred Political  Religious,Ideological or Sexual Preference view.
Kulin-Ban - from Melbourne, 3 hours ago
Let him remember Theo van Gogh while he is in Australia...

Theo Van Gogh's dead body lies on the footpath outside his home, after he as savagely butchered buy a Muslim who objected to a documentary he made.Bystanders prevented his decapitation but were unable to save his life.

Muslim Family "Harmony Day" supporters, at Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots in the Central Business District of Sydney September 15 2012

Right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders has told SBS he is "happy" to be in Australia despite getting a frosty reception from local politicians.

"Even your Prime Minister said not the most kind things about me, and your former Minister of Immigration stalled granting me a visa," he said.

"Freedom of speech is one of the most important things in our free society and I am happy to be here."

Wilders is visiting Melbourne at the invitation of Q Society, where he will speak about his anti-Islamic platform in what he calls a warning to Australia.

"If you really want to preserve your freedom, if you really want to preserve your identity as a country that is not Islamic, that is based on Christianity and Judaism... you should open your eyes, learn from the mistakes we made in Europe and make sure they don't happen here," he said. 

Calling the Prophet Mohammad a “terrorist” and the Koran a “terrible book”, Wilders rallied against Australia’s multicultural policy, saying he believes it could lead to the persecution of non-Islamic groups.

“Islam has no room for anything but Islam, and Islam will get its way also in Australia. People who are non-Islamic, Jews, Christians and women, would be the first ones to pay the price.”

Labor Green Loons standing with the Savage..... as usual.

Geert Wilders has postponed a visit to Australia because of delays in obtaining a visa.

Green Loon says Geert Wilders not welcome in Australia

Islamic Sociopaths Inc. aka. the Religion of Peace, Feiz Mohammad , Geert Wilders Video’s

Aussie cleric Feiz Mohammad calls for beheading of Dutch MP Geert Wilders 

Australia :Burqa ban, Muslim woman dressed like an idiot Arse Clown declares “……I'm an Australian more than anyone else here.”

Australia: Alan Jones interviews Janet Levy on her American Thinker article, The Narrative of Defeat.

Far Left Extremist Multicultural Australian Taxpayer funded TV Station reports on Geert Wilders election victory

Dutch Nazis doing the bidding of Islamofascists and International Socialism

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