

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ellen DeGeneres (De Generate?) Are ALL his / her / its Fans Lesbians ?

Someone please tell me are all this Guy's,Gal's,Its,Fans Lesbians? If not, why do so many "NON Lesbians" fall over themselves to throw themselves at His,Her,Its,feet ?
Is He,She,It,A Guy Without a Dick or a Chick with a Dick or an It with a particularly long Tongue and a Dick or perhaps all of the above plus two Vagina's ? 

Just What the Fuck IS an "Ellen DeGeneres" when all is said and done?

A Genetic Female who was made when Nature was looking the other way? or  a genderless Parody of Woman / Person Hood ?

Why am I thinking of Lancelot Link when I view this picture? I suppose that some poor child will be produced some where to satisfy the "Paternal ?" urges of this freak and her equally freaky "Wife"

Australian's Know what Portia De Rossie Is............ A Dickless Girl.

Sydney will be Ellen DeGeneres' first stop

The Sunday Telegraph
 March 17, 2013 12:00AM

ELLEN DeGeneres will now kick off her Australian tour in Sydney and could arrive as early as Thursday after postponing her trip due to illness.                              

The US talkshow host, who was due to touch down in Melbourne today, caught the flu earlier in the week and was too sick to fly. Sources tell us she's now planning to land in Sydney as soon as Thursday and will head to Melbourne early next week with her Australian wife Portia de Rossi.

A black-tie gala that was scheduled for Tuesday to welcome the US star to Australia has been rescheduled for the same day the following week, with guests being contacted on Friday to inform them of the date change.

Yesterday DeGeneres updated fans on her recovery and change of plans. "People of Australia! I'm down, but I'm not out. I'll be in Sydney next weekend, and Melbourne after that. More details soon!" she wrote.

To have cancelled a number of her US shows last week and reschedule the highly anticipated trip, it's safe to say her illness must be quite serious.

GP Steve Hambleton says symptoms of the influenza virus can last up to two weeks. "Influenza can be quite a serious illness, it can range from high temperature and aches and pains all over, making a healthy adult so sick that they need to spend up to four days in bed," he told us.

"It can range from something less than that to rapidly progressing to respiratory failure for which people can end up in intensive care."

It could also leave sufferers with post-influenza fatigue for up to a week, so a long-haul flight - even in first class - could be exhausting.

It's an unlucky coincidence DeGeneres' visit was planned with vitamin brand Swisse. Perhaps she should swap the supplements for a flu jab next time.

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