

Monday, March 18, 2013

Strewth!!!!!!!!!!! Ben Barba Rugby League's Exempla!!! Gimme a Break Pleeese

Shit the rest of the team must be a bunch of Fuck Ups if this NRL Affirmative Action Arse Clown is some sort of HERO

What about the Bull Dogs team members who did NOT volunteer for a ride on the Gambling Piss Up Sex Train?
What about them? Not fashionable enough? 

How about Australia starts applauding its FINEST as opposed to its FAILURES regardless of the colour of their skin or ethnic composition.

If this Arse Clown had a different Genetic Composition he would have been written off (rightly so) as a wife /family abusing ,gambling piss head, who for reasons best known to himself, preferred the company of like minded male piss head punks, who were devoted to getting high on what ever it was rang their bell .... or is Ben Lying?

I am all for rehabilitation, but please don't portray this Arse Clown, as some sort of Hero, or worse still as someone to be looked up to... He FAILED the normal behaviours of civilized society,If I am wrong the rest of the Cantebury Bull Dogs Rugby League team must be Playing on Who Know's What? 

Is there no one in the Cantebury Bull Dogs Rugby League Team who is not a Piss Head, or Gambler that they can put forward as been a team member worthy of adoration, or is this Ben Barba the best they can offer their fans?

Ben Barba is a failure as a man,he can apparently,when not pissed or gambling his family's money away,or whatever else it is he does with his piss head pals,run and kick a ball on a Rugby League field better than many,apart from that, Australia has never heard of him, and would never have heard from him.
As far as I know he and his ilk have, so far, not found the cure for Cancer,re attached / reconstructed severed limbs, retinas,noses,ears,knees (Oh he and his Rugby League Pals rely on those who are NOT Hero's to fix his and theirs), hips, shoulders not even the common cold,I am not aware of any of their number serving in defence of Australia,let alone making the ultimate sacrifice either through injury or loss of life yet he and his ilk are paraded before us lesser Jugglers/Clowns and average and very slow runners as "Hero's" for deciding to behave normally after been caught out for  deciding to behave abnormally while they thought no one was looking.
Ben you and your fellow "Jugglers and Clowns" are not so special,you have a talent,agreed,that in the real world counts for SHIT,you are nothing more than entertainment for the the Real Men whose gang you and your media spin doctors claim you are a member of.

Good Luck Ben,I hope that one day you and your fellow piss heads and gambler pals choose to be,at least, Grown Up's, who knows maybe one day you will rise to the call, and try and be MEN.

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