

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Labor / Green Loon's Australia 2013: "FORCED child marriage, life-threatening domestic violence and dowry abuse............."

Another "Specialist Multicultural Welfare Industry" that Australians will be forced to pay for with no shortage of Labor Green Loon politicians clawing over each other to be the first to throw any number of millions of $'s at in exchange for votes.

New agency to help abused women of Africa, Middle East origins in Casey, Greater Dandenong

Rachel Flaherty, 
Dandenong Leader 
March 31, 2013 12:00AM

FORCED child marriage, life-threatening domestic violence and dowry abuse are rife in Greater Dandenong and Casey, a welfare agency has warned.

Shakti Migrant and Refugee Women's Support Group Melbourne, which champions the human rights of women of African and Middle Eastern origin, only opened locally in April, but already is overrun with requests for assistance.

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Spokeswoman Hiba Casablanca said the system was failing women of multicultural backgrounds.

"We opened in response to demand from people here and it's increasing every week," Ms Casablanca said.

"We need a specialist refuge catering for the needs of women of colour, run by people who can speak their language and who truly understand and connect with what we're saying, when we talk about cultural practices that violate our rights."

Ms Casablanca said some of the women's stories were heart-breaking.

"One woman, married for 25 years, her husband would physically abuse her by strangling and raping her on a weekly basis," she said.

"Financially abuse her by taking all her money and socially isolate her by preventing her having friends."

Ms Casablana said the woman was terrified, but embarrassed to speak out and felt she had nowhere to turn for help.

"These woman are being treated like slaves here in Dandenong and Casey," she said.

"They are very brave to speak out, but we need a safe place for them so they don't have to return to their abusers."

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