

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

A Mothers Love ...thanks from a Daughter, when Angels live among us and quietly go about their business, surely WE can HELP, even just a little.

Dear Mum, Love Turia

Ali Smith
60 Minutes
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sunday, May 12 is Mother's Day - a time to thank our mums for their unconditional love and unwavering selflessness.

Over the years, 60 Minutes has met some very special mothers and Celestine Vaite is one of them.

She's nurtured her daughter, Turia Pitt, back to health after Turia was severely burnt while competing in the Kimberley ultra-marathon.

For this Mother's Day, Turia has written her mum a letter to say "thank you".

Dear Mum book featuring Turia Pitt's letter:

Turia Pitt is an advocate for DonateLife:

Contribute to Turia's Making a Difference fund at

If you would like to help burn victims through the Sydney Burns Foundation, download the Concord Burns Unit Donation Form here.

So what happened to Turia Pitt?

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