

Friday, May 10, 2013

Labor's VOTE People charged with sexual assault of three Women at Ricky Martin performance

Sri Lankan asylum seekers charged with indecent assault

Gemma Jones
Daily Telegraph

May 10, 201311:00AM

TWO Sri Lankan asylum seekers have been charged with indecent assaults on two women and a girl at a Ricky Martin performance in Sydney last night.

The women aged 39 and 31 and a 14-year-old girl were in the crowd at Parramatta Westfield when they were allegedly attacked by the men who are on bridging visas and living in the community at Westmead.

Police swooped on the Sri Lankans, aged 47 and 20.

A police spokesman has confirmed the men were asylum seekers living in the community.

They were charged with indecent assault and common assault and granted conditional bail and will be required to report daily to Parramatta police station.

The men are due to appear in Parramatta Local Court on June 26.

It is the second time a Sri Lankan asylum seeker living in the community has allegedly committed indecent assault this year after a university student was allegedly set upon in her dorm.

Victim and witness reports confirm that while one of the accused performed the assaults the other looked on laughing at the actions of his accomplice

The 14 year old girl was not in the company of the two older women

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