

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pious Muslim Gang Rapist's may be paroled as early as tomorrow.

Notorious Skaf Gang Rapist may be paroled

Lee Jeloscek, 
7News Sydney
August 21, 2013,

FIRST ON 7: Two of Sydney's notorious Skaf gang rapists looks set to be released on parole as early as tomorrow.

It is a prospect that many find appalling, but a victims' support group says it is better to have 29-year-old Mohamed Sanoussi out, but under control. 

Sanoussi has served 13 years for his role in the rapes which horrified Sydney on the eve of the Olympics.

His family is preparing for his release, which could be rubber stamped by the parole authority tomorrow.

"I think he should be given parole, e only has three years left on his sentence," the Victims of Crime Action League's Howard Brown said.

"He is going to require a hell of a lot of intensive supervision out in the community so he actually adapts to that."

Despite the prisons commissioner and the NSW Attorney General having previously opposed release, another rapist code-named H, could also go free tomorrow.

Earlier this year, another of the gang, Mahmoud Chami was released, while ringleader Bilal Skaff has another 20 years to serve.

If let out, Sanoussi will be under surveillance but could be free to return to one of the crime scenes, a park near his home.

Mr Brown added: "My concern is however that generally what happens with electronic tagging is that it only lasts three months."

"In this case it needs to last a minimum of 12 months so we can actually track where he's going."

Parole monitoring has come under fire since 7News revealed budget cuts to the unit which tracks violent offenders.

We asked the Attorney General to explain what supervision would be given to Sanoussi and others but he declined to comment.

Paul Lynch, the shadow Attorney General warned: "Last week we discovered that there were 200 positions lost in the surveillance system."

The community compliance and monitoring group. That is too many to allow proper and effective surveillance.

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