

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Muslim RAT Mohammed Issai Issaka says he forgives NSW Police (Rat Catchers?)

 This Muslim SWINE and Father of Eight Muslim Piglets

Hyde Park rioter Mohammed Issai Issaka gets bail after appealing jail term, and says he 'forgives' police

Muslim Swine says  he "forgives' police" What the Fuck for ? Bashing themselves on the head with poles  ?

It surely has reached a time in Judeo Christian Civilization when the Anti Christ "Islam" has long past its use by date and is dispatched,along with its followers and leftist apologists as soon as possible so as to no longer pollute the gene pool of Gods Creation lest it fall to Satan's, (this allah's) prophet this thing they call "mohammed" and its Godless followers.
Enough IS enough of this Progressive / Labor Party Green Loon Multicultural RUBBISH. 

Insist on the "Right of Return" for all Muslims,their apologists and supporters,resident in Western Judeo Christian Democracies, Demand that they are :
Interned....and returned to an "Islamic Utopia" of their choosing immediately, these Godless Swine are here in Australia to do to us what their Godless ideology has done to the numerous islamic Nations that they RAN AWAY from and edmanded entry into Australia under the LIE of seeking shelter , asylum these muslim SWINE are here to do to Australia what their Godless ideology did to the Nations THEY say are no longer habitable for them and their children, they are TROJAN Horses disguised as the Labor Green Loons "asylum seekers" & "refugees" 
These Godless Swine don't want to be Australians they want Australia to be like the Satanic inspired islamic Shit Hole they ran away from, they are the CARRIERS of the disease of islam and all its manifestations.
These Swine are not seeking a CURE for their disease they are here to infect the non muslim population via their sponsors in the Labor Party and the Greens with their Satan inspired debased cult they call islam under the guise / mantra of Tolerance and Multiculturalism.

Where will these Swine run to once they have done to Australia what their "religion" has done to the various muslim nations that they ran away from?
These RATS are not resident to do good for Australian Judeo Christian Democracy they are been imported by the Labor Green Loons to do do to Australia what their shared ideology of "international socialism" has done to the various nations these "asylum seekers" ran away from

ISLAM is the DISEASE,Judeo Christian Western Democratic Civilization is and has always been the CURE for the Anti Christ.

Islam,invented by a Syphilitic Paedophile Sociopath, Slave Trading Mass Murderer, inspired by Satan, the "religion" of the forsaken... the muslim the lowest of the low in Satan's sewer.

Simon Black
The Daily Telegraph
November 16, 2013

A RIOTER who made headlines for refusing to stand for a magistrate says that he "forgives" police.

Mohammed Issai Issaka was yesterday sentenced to 12 months in jail with a non-parole period of six months after being found guilty on a charge of rioting in Hyde Park last September.

He was released on bail after lodging an appeal.
Mr Issaka has consistently insisted he did nothing wrong on the day of the riots and pleaded not guilty - a fact that Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge yesterday said was "disappointing".

Ms Milledge - for whom Issaka refused to stand during a previous appearance but later tearfully apologised - noted that while Issaka was a man of "otherwise impeccable character" his "lack of contrition" for his actions gave her concern.

"I can't look at you as someone who has learnt from this event and would not revisit it," Ms Milledge said.

"You said you didn't do these things ... (yet) we have hours of vision of you being angry and being in the face of the police officers.

"It was civil disobedience at its worst."

Ms Milledge said Issaka was "frontline" throughout the riots as an inflaming presence - even causing distress to other peaceful protesters.

"They were trying to bring about calm and you weren't to be calmed," she said. "You weren't just someone who was there to demonstrate."

His appeal will be mentioned in Downing Centre District Court on January 15.

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