

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Labor Green Loons maintain their RAGE against the Australian People via their CO2 Tax SCAM

Just Who IS Channel 9's "Firefighter" / angry ACTU Loon ?

The objectives of the Fire Brigade Employees Union are prescribed by the Union’s registered rules and include:

furthering and protecting the interests of its members;
improving the working conditions and general welfare of its members;
improving the position of its members by increasing their proportionate share of the national wealth and by endeavouring to educate them towards the socialisation of the means of production, distribution and exchange;

upholding the rights of organised labour;
securing the election of working class representatives in Parliament and promoting such legislative enactments as will ensure industrial justice to the Australian working class;
advancing the efficiency of the services of fire prevention, suppression and extinguishment throughout the Commonwealth of Australia;
preserving and advancing civil liberties
to advance the cause of peace and friendship throughout the world.

Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 weekdays.

1-7 Belmore St Surry Hills NSW 2010
Telephone: (02) 9218 3444
Fax: (02) 9218 3488

State Secretary
Jim Casey

Industrial Officers
Chris Read
George Maniatis
Gemma Lawrence
Stephen Spencer
Claire Pullen
Hugh Clouston
Marc Newman
Christine Donayre

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