

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nelson who? Please hurry up and bury this Terrorist and let God deal with his carcas,I have yet to find one word of SORRYfrom him or his supporters for his acts and support of Terrorism

Terrorist, as usual with the Progressive Left, there is nothing wrong with deliberately blowing up women and children so long as they are not related to the Bomb makers,Comrade Nelson or Comrade Winnie.
I have yet to find any explanation as to why Terrorist Mandela was not executed for his self confessed BOASTFUL Murders.

"Free Nelson Mandela" Go Nelson, try the BS with your maker you snowed your progressive Left with on Earth for your Godless Savagery and see how far you get... TERRORIST Burn in Hell.
Marxist Grub, Murderess Winnie is not far behind you. There will be no parade of White idiot Hollywood / Music Industry Stars / sychophants lined up to judge you,so spare you breath with your pre rehearsed Marxist BS it wont cut it, it is over. 
May God have mercy on you, maybe you really were sorry for your Godless savagery and God will forgive you.
Just don't take any notice of the majority of your ideological cheer squad fighting each other for a front row seat at your Memorial Service and their Euologys on your passing / DEATH you have served your purpose and are no longer of any use to your joint Terrorist cause Viva The Revolution Nelson ya Dumb Shit.
Cant wait to hear what Bono / Bonehead,  has to say and the US first Lady Harpo/ Oprah / Steadman / Gale or whatever her / his name is, along with thousands of Celebrity Politicians from all over the world, fighting each other for news video camera space, so as to show that they and they alone are more affected by your death than the Hollywood Celebrity Jerk lined up behind them so as to espouse their "personal" thoughts on your passing, in the hope that it will further enhance their political or acting career cannot wait to see Charlize Theron's performance at your Memorial Service, a white SA woman who's only wish is to wake up one morning jet black preferably Purple Black so as to be able to move on with her life having  discarded herself of her progressive unfashionable whiteness.  

SPEWWWW BAAARF Ooops sorry I have to warn you there is this Anti Christ Guy, he is the President of the United States of America, No Shit,and he and his wife and kids will be making a real big deal of your passing, I only mention it because you and your supporters say that you are a Christian Man despite your propensity for and advocation of Bombing of Churches and Public places to further your and your fellow what today we are told "Peace Activists' objectives, Anyway no matter what the POTUS Antichrist says at your service In your favour I am sure that God will, as usual disregard anything he and his fellow Anti Christ Marxist Groupies say in your favour.

Good Luck Nelson and my God have mercy on you.

The dark side of Nelson Mandela

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
December 9,2013

MUCH of the sanctimonious grieving for Nelson Mandela is not just a sin against history - but a danger.

It is true Mandela rose to greatness. Freed after 27 years in a South African jail, the anti-apartheid fighter emerged not bent on vengeance but healing.

He negotiated a peaceful end to apartheid, and as the first president of democratic South Africa, preached - and practised - reconciliation. In this he was great. A healer. An inspiration.

For many whites abroad, he seems even Christ-like - someone who'd suffered for the sins of white guilt, and absolved those who believed in him of the sin of racism.

But Mandela was no Christ nor even Gandhi nor Martin Luther King. He was for decades a man of violence. In 1961, he broke with African National Congress colleagues who preached non-violence, creating a terrorist wing.

He later pleaded guilty in court to acts of public violence, and behind bars sanctioned more, including the 1983 Church St car bomb that killed 19 people.
Mandela even suggested cutting off the noses of blacks deemed collaborators. His then wife Winnie advocated "necklacing" instead - a burning tyre around the neck.

Mandela argued the apartheid regime left him no option but to fight violence with violence, but it is too easy to claim events proved him right. His legacy is not yet played out.

Current president Jacob Zuma until recently still publicly sang the anti-apartheid song, Shoot the Boer, in a still-divided country where many white farmers have been shot.

Mandela's support for other leaders of violence is even less forgivable. He maintained close ties to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and backed Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. As president in 1997, he gave his country's highest award for a foreigner to Libya's dictator, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who'd donated $10 million to the ANC. He gave the same award to the corrupt Indonesian president Suharto, who he said had donated $60 million.

He supported Nigerian coup leader Sani Abacha, refusing to say a word publicly to stop the 1995 hanging of activist Ken Saro-Wiwa.

I repeat, Mandela did great things. But many of his more radical supporters in the West now use that greatness to wash clean his record of political violence - and his support for dictators who'd used it.

That is dangerous.

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