

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Territories :Cultural Diversity and Harmony Day Ambassadors Gone Wild, and its all the fault of the NSW POLICE

Police had no tip-off on Sydney shooting

Lema Samandar
The Daily Telegraph
December 4,2013

A MAN living in a southwest Sydney house that has been shot at three times this year is well known to police and involved in gangs.

A man fired nine shots from a handgun into the Greenfield Park house on Tuesday night before fleeing, police say.

The house was also targeted by gunmen in June and July.

Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas said the three people living in the house were unharmed but were cooperating with police in a limited way.

"There was a number of family members inside the house, one of whom is a 24-year-old male, who is actually well known to us," Mr Kaldas told reporters in Sydney on Wednesday.

He said the man was linked to a number of criminal gangs but not the notorious Brothers 4 Life gang.

Mr Kaldas rubbished remarks by the family that police had prior warning about the shooting and had visited the home three times on Tuesday.

"They received one visit earlier in the day and it was from Operation Talon as part of their tasking they carry out on an ongoing basis," he said.

"We had no information they were at risk."

The 24-year-old man is before the courts and on bail, police confirmed.

Operation Talon, which is focused on tackling gun crime in Sydney, has resulted in more than 140 arrests and 135 charges in the past few months.

Officers have also had more than 5000 interactions with the people they have been tasked to check up on.

Opposition Leader John Robertson said the state government should use laws already at its disposal to outlaw the gangs shooting up western Sydney.

"(Premier) Barry O'Farrell has the power in his hands to outlaw these gangs and give the police the opportunity to shut these clubs down," he said.

Mr Robertson said there had been 302 shootings since Mr O'Farrell became premier and 119 so far this year.

However, Mr Kaldas said the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) would release figures on Thursday showing that the number of shootings had been halved.

"We feel that we have halved the number of incidents; we are not stopping them obviously."

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