

Friday, January 24, 2014

Anti Australian Racist Vandals and Hooligans desecrate Captain James Cooks Cottage and 8 killometers of Botany Bay foreshore

Trail of racist graffiti from Brighton to Sans Souci dampens Oz Day weekend celebrations  

Murray Trembath
The Leader
January 24, 2014, 

A Rockdale Council contractor is working to remove a trail of racist graffiti scrawled overnight on walls and walkways along the beach front from Brighton-Le-Sands to Sans Souci.

The graffiti condemned Australia Day and ‘‘colonialism’’

Residents were sickened by the attack.

‘‘It is a disgusting thing to happen  just before Australia Day,’’ said Roxy Wilson, of Brighton-Le-Sands.

Oleksandra Kaleichyk, of Monterey, who migrated from the Ukraine four years ago and has become an Australian citizen, said it was ‘‘disrespectful to the people of Australia’’.

‘‘It is very sad,’’ she said.

"I had tears in my eyes when I saw what had been done"

Contractor Sam Bennett removed graffiti quickly by painting with a chemical solution, then water blasting.

A similar Anti-Australia day graffiti attack took place overnight on the Melbourne historical landmark, Cooks’ Cottage, in Fitzroy Gardens.

Messages were sprayed on the building, which was once the home of Captain James Cook’s parents, located in Fitzroy Gardens.

Police were called to the cottage, which is 259 years old, just after 7.30am today.

Reports said vandals had filled light bulbs with paint to create makeshift paint bombs before hurling them at the walls and roof.

Fluro and black lights were used to emblazen anti-Australia Day slogans, which include a large scrawl calling January 26 ‘‘Australia’s shame’’

Why they HATE Captain James Cook and Australia. 

Captain James Cook is one of the greatest maritime explorers of all time -- only the acclaimed fifteenth-century explorers, Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama, can stand with him. Bestselling author of FATAL STORM, BLIGH and FLINDERS, Rob Mundle explores the life and travels of James Cook in a major new biography for lovers of adventure and the romance of sail. 

Over three remarkable voyages of discovery into the Pacific in the latter part of the eighteenth century, Cook unravelled the centuries-old mystery surrounding the existence of the great south land, Terra Australis Incognita; became the first explorer to circumnavigate New Zealand and prove it comprised two main islands; discovered the Hawaiian Islands; and much more. Cook was a man who pursued a teenager's dream that evolved from a chance encounter in a small seafront village on the east coast of England. 

It was a dream that became a reality and transported him to legendary status among all who mapped the world, on land and sea. Through the combination of hard-won skills as a seafarer, the talents of a self-taught navigator and surveyor, and an exceptional ability to lead and care for his men, Cook contributed to changing the shape of the world map more than anyone else. 

About the Author

Rob Mundle is the author of the highly acclaimed international bestseller Fatal Storm. He has written six other books, including the bestselling Sir James Hardy: An Adventurous Life, Alan Bond’s authorised biography,Bond, and Life at the Extreme, the official record of the 2005/2006 Volvo Ocean Race round the world. He lives in Main Beach, Queensland.

Anti-Australia Day vandals target Cooks' Cottage in Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne

Tom Miner
Herald Sun
January 24,2013

SECURITY guards were scheduled to patrol Cooks' Cottage this weekend before anti-Australia Day activists vandalised the historic landmark last night.

The vandals sprayed inflammatory messages on the former home of Captain James Cook's parents, located in Fitzroy Gardens.

One said "26th Jan Australia's shame" while the other said "F@#$ Aus Day".

People walking through Fitzroy Gardens stopped to look at the graffiti this morning, with the building also sprayed with fluorescent green and orange paint.

A window was also broken in what Lord Mayor Robert Doyle described as a "senseless act of vandalism against one of the icons of our city".

He said "vandalism is not a legitimate form of protest" and the messages were an "act of disrespect" to Melbourne.

"It detracts from the message that those vandals were trying to get across in the first place," he said.

Cr Doyle said security guards were scheduled to patrol Cooks' Cottage throughout the Australia Day long weekend after previous acts of vandalism last year.

"Unfortunately these vandals got in advance of the security guards," he said.

The incident was captured on CCTV cameras installed last year and Cr Doyle said that footage would be "very helpful" to police.

Cooks' Cottage is scheduled to reopen to the public this afternoon but Cr Doyle said the clean-up bill for the historic heritage bluestone building would be costly.

Police arrived at the scene shortly before 8am to inspect the damage and Detective Sen-Constable Scott Gray said it was disappointing to see the anti-Australian messages.

At least two vandals were believed to have been involved in the attack and Det-Sen Constable Gray said they appeared to know where the CCTV cameras were located.

It was not clear what time the vandals had struck but a security guard passing through the area at 5am did not notice the graffiti.

A passer-by was believed to have contacted police this morning.

The cottage was erected at the site in 1934 after it was brought to Australia to commemorate Captain Cook's voyages.

About 100,000 people visit the landmark every year.

Inside the mind of the SAVAGE

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