

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Australian based Muslim Assassins may have passports cancelled .

Fighters in Syria may lose passports

The Daily Telegraph 
Jan 21,2014

AUSTRALIANS who fight in Syria could be stripped of their passports, the government said yesterday.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said the government was looking at beefing up possible options to deal with dual nationals fighting in the war torn nation.

Mr Morrison said that while Australia could cancel passports before those intending to go to Syria had left Australia, it did not have the same powers under citizenship laws as the UK. Britain last year used wide-ranging powers to revoke citizenship for 20 dual nationals fighting in Syria.

Asked about whether he wanted the UK powers, Mr Morrison said: “You definitely want to have things of that order to enable you to protect the country from the incursion of that sort of violent and unhelpful view.

“We are looking right now at all the options before us to strengthen powers where necessary to be able to deal more decisively with these very issues.”
He said the issue was stopping people coming back into Australia with “these troubles”.

“They have no place here in this country and anyone who wants to bring them here should not come and we are looking at every option available to us to ensure we have the powers to do just that,” he said. “We just don’t want those troubles in this country and people who bring them here should not come.”

His comments come amid concerns about Australians travelling to Syria to fight, with some being killed in battle and others reportedly joining terrorist organisations.

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