

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Diversity Martyrs Wanted Now : Idiot Marxist Pope calls on world to accept "diversity" If you believe in NOTHING you can believe in DIVERSITY

Some One Get this Marxist Bum out of the Vatican NOW!!!!

Pope Francis, laying out his hopes Wednesday for 2014, urged people to work for a world where everyone accepts each other’s differences and where enemies recognize that they are brothers.
“We are all children of one heavenly father, we belong to the same human family and we share a common destiny,” Francis said, speaking from his studio window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, jammed with tens of thousands of faithful, tourists and Romans.
If you object to the following images, get with the Pope's Diversity Program and just lay back and respect it, after all, All Cultures Religions Legal Systems Social Norms are Equal arn't they? according to the Pope they are, so get used to it.
You, your wife or daughter, son could be next on the expressions of Diversity Hit List 
We all know who this Marxist "Professional Peasant" Arse Clown is defending, apologising / facilitating for, and it is not Jews or Christians or CATHOLICS or those who believe in Democracy.

       Adults Only from here on            
The Popes Diversity Photo Album
What in the Popes Photo Album of Diversity would he NOT tolerate or facilitate in his Earthly Kingdom, May God Damn this Useless Godless Marxist BUM
Only if you believe in NOTHING can believe in DIVERSITY
The following Photos are the manifestations of the unchecked practice of the CULT of Diversity 

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