

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Egypt: Parents of Al Jizz Australian reporter Peter Greste plead for his release

As an Australian I hate to think of fellow Australians incarcerated in foreign prison cells, however I do wish Australians would simply obey the law of whatever country it is they are visiting no matter how unjust they may think the law in that country is.

Peter Greste, in case you did not know Al Jizz is about as popular as a Turd in a swimming pool with the Egyptian people, it and I guess you, seeing as though you work for them , is a mouth piece, apologist, propaganda wing  of the Muslim Brotherhood,an Islamic Terrorist Organisation, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did not know that, Peter when you sign up with Satan it rarely works out the way he promised you.

I do hope you are released soon and are able to return to Australia however I worry about what you might get up to when you come back, maybe your parents can talk some sense into you and explain just who the good guys are and who it is you should be working for irrespective of who is paying you.

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