

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fantastic Video 5 Things you should know about Great White Sharks

Think You Got BALLS?

5 Things you should know about Great White Sharks

1. Great whites don't like how we taste. They prefer the energy dense blubber of seals and sea lions. Their teeth have special nerve endings that can detect the calorie-rich blubber - the only problem is sharks sample bite to work this out.

2. They have six highly developed senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing and electromagnetism. Through electromagnetism they can navigate the ocean by following an electrical map of the earth's magnetic fields.

3. Great whites don't like to fight for food. If there's only enough food for one, the sharks will swim past one another and slap their tails on the surface of the water, directing the spray towards the other shark. The shark that delivers the most slaps wins dinner.

4. Sharks are one of evolution's greatest success stories. Older than dinosaurs, their ancestry dates as far back as 400 million years.

5. 75-100 million sharks are killed each year. The demand for shark fins (for soup) has soared in the past 15 years with great whites one of the dish's many victims. Scientists at Stanford University believe there could be as few as 3500 great whites left in the oceans.

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