

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Indonesia demands immediate cessation of Australian Border Protection and orders Indonesian Navy ships into its Indian Ocean coastline.

This is the best I have ever heard from these clowns. Demanding that the Australian Government of Tony Abbott return to the Union, GetUp funded, Labor / Green Loon Co Party goverment's of Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 aka Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard's,six years of open borders and importation into Australia of predominantly single Muslim males 18 to 28 years of age, colonisation of Australia, via their Asylum seeker / refugee SCAM.

Why would these self described "Progressive" Labor Green Loons demand that Australia be colonised by followers a seventh century Mass murderer, Slave Trader, Misogynist Paedophile ? 
Why would "Progressives" demand and indeed facilitate the importation of such people into a Judeo Christian Western Democracy like Australia?

Indonesia threatens Australia, and demands Australia stop defending its borders from Islamic Insurgents. Yeah I know that's not what they said but that's what they mean.

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