

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

'My heart will never heal': grieving mother says of Amira Karroum Australia's home grown dead Jihadi

'My heart will never heal': grieving mother says of Amira's death

Greg Stolz 
The Daily Telegraph
January 14,2014  

THE mother of Amira Karroum, the former private schoolgirl turned Muslim jihadist, has said her heart "will never heal'' after learing of her daughter's death.

Replying to a condolence message from a Facebook friend who said "our children are not meant to go before us'', Honor Deane wrote: "My heart will never heal, I am distraught with grief but I am thankful for having her for 22 years.''

Approached at her home in Southport, on the Gold Coast, yesterday, a fragile-looking Ms Deane declined to comment.

A work colleague said: "The family doesn't know what happened (in Syria) and just want to be left alone to grieve.''

News of Karroum's death and that of her husband Yusuf Ali, comes as authorities in Australia continue to keep a close eye on young Muslims travelling to Syria to take part in the bitter civil war.

Beautiful little Girl above, free as God intended her to be, only to become a "slave of allah" and have her "husband" throw her safety to the wind at the hands of his fellow Islamic Sociopath's years later far away in some koran inspired cesspool.

Slave Master? now in Paradise with Seventy Two Virgins ?or does the koran Lie ?

Federal police and NSW Police last month arrested and charged seven men including a man alleged to have masterminded sending young men to the country.

It was alleged they gave information and money to enable them to get to Syria and also put them in contact with groups feared to be associated with terrorists.

ASIO has also revoked a number of passports of citizens, preventing them from travelling overseas, particularly the Middle East.

The head of the NSW Counter Terrorists Squad Peter Dein has said he is concerned with the radicalisation of young men travelling to Syria.

ASIO believes more than 100 Australians are fighting with the al-Nusra Front, which is linked to al-Qaeda.

At least four Australians are known to have been killed in fighting so far.

In a report to Parliament in 2012 ASIO warned Australians fighting in Syria may return to "engage in terrorism".

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