

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Australia: Bravo, Scarlett Johansson

Lets Hear It For Scarlett

Miranda Devine
The Sunday Telegraph (Sydney)
2 Feb 2014

Bravo, Scarlett Johansson for being that rare celebrity willing to stand against politically correct bullying.

Under pressure from anti-Israel activists, the 29-year-old actress has refused to renege on a deal to promote Israeli company SodaStream, pointing out its West Bank factory employs 550 Palestinians.

Instead, last week she resigned from social justice group Oxfam which wants a boycott of the popular Israeli drink machine, using the same tactics that were used to demonise Max Brenner chocolate shops.

Johansson’s SodaStream ad will air during the Super Bowl tomorrow (Sunday, US time). Not just a pretty face.

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