

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

ANV Back in Biz...........

Recent events beyond my control have prevented me from posting to ANV ,  I was however able to post to the ANV Facebook site up until yesterday March 24 14.

It seems my criticism of the Madison Solar Power Company and it's products, and their subsequent threats  to 'Record" my criticism of their Solar Power Scam has resulted in the cancellation of the ANV Facebook account.

From a commercial perspective I guess Facebook have done the numbers and have decided that my input into their enterprise is nothing more than an Opinion where as the Madison Solar Power Co's. input into Facebook is, Opinion, backed by whatever $$$$$$$$$'s Facebook charges to advertise the Solar Power / Green Loon agenda.
Anyone of ANV'S Facebook's friends / followers please don't take it personal but Aussie News & Views is no longer on Facebook, and given that Google (Blogger) are the owners of Facebook I don't know how much longer ANV will be up and running.

Many Thanks to my viewers pro and con over many years  if ANV suddenly disappears you can contact me at for info as to where you may find me.

Remember that on Facebook that the ONLY Opinion that counts at the end of the day is the one that is PAID for, and if you have the Bucks to back Up your Bull Shit, Facebook will look the other way, and indeed facilitate the removal of those who disagree with your PAID for Opinion / Schpeil / Snake Oil Salesman Products and New Age Unicorn Urine Crystal Gazing / Chicken En-trail Gazing  based Power Generation aka. SOLAR POWER

Yours faithfully,

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