

Friday, March 28, 2014

Australian Defence League Shoots itself in the head with both barrels, No doubt Labor Green Loon Embedded Muslim Jihadi's all over Sydney will be rejoicing.

What a Fricking COCK UP !!!!

March 27 2014

If Australian Defence League (ADL) had any credibility at all before today (Thursday March 27 2014) Nathan Abella, a "leader" / "spokesman" for the ADL ensured that it will not one grain of credibility come Friday morning March 28 2014 after his calls to Ray Hadley's morning radio show at 2GB.
Watch the video below for a first hand experience of Nathan's idiocy and Hadley's obliteration of him live on air.

Ray Hadley cannot give air time to the ADL or any other such organizations he would be unemployed within days.
The MSM would wage a war against him not seen since their war against Alan Jones.

This Nathan fellow, has done immeasurable damage to the cause of the Anti Jihad movement, Muslims in Sydney's Occupied Territories will be celebrating for weeks following Thursday's catastrophe on the Ray Hadley Show.

There are many many ways to discredit an organization and its objectives, however no Sociopathic Jihadist in his Satan / koran inspired wildest dreams, could have come up with anything better than Nathan has, with this master stroke of idiocy.

I have said it (warned you ) before Nathan, on Bare Naked Islam, and I will say it again here  "..... give your self an uppercut "

Where should Nathan and the ADL go from here ? How about Planet Koozbaine ?

Australian Defence League has a warning for Muslim extremist group ‘Hizb-ut Tahrir’ supporters who plan to disrupt the ADL march tomorrow

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